During this unprecedented time, we need to practice self care that goes beyond our beauty regimes. Managing stress, eating nutritious food, practicing mindfulness along with getting enough sleep all play a part in staying healthy.

However, sometimes we need extra supplementation to support our immune systems. Dr. Bonnie Vulich wants to help you get the nutrients your body needs. She’s making Xymogen® Exclusive Professional formulas available to her clients for the first time.

Dr. Bonnie recommends the MedPax Anti-Viral Pack along with Zinc Glycinate, D3 5000, and Pro-Biomax Daily for immune support and protection.

  • The Anti-viral Packet will come with instructions. It contains: Viragraphis capsules, OlivDefense® capsules, Xcellent C capsules, Garlix capsules, Xcellent A 7500 capsules, and ImmunotiX250 capsules. Each can be ordered separately as well.
  • D3 5000. Please take 1-2 supplements daily.
  • Zinc Glycinate. 1 capsule daily
  • Pro-Biomax Daily. 2 capsules, 1x daily.

Please click on the link to purchase. Don’t hesitate to call Dr. Bonnie with any questions you may have.

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